Huddersfield hosts Regional Young Chemistry Talent

Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:56:00 BST
The School of Applied Sciences recently played host to events showcasing the talent of young chemists from across the north of England. The annual Northern Regional Dalton Meeting, sponsored by the Society of Chemistry, was held at the University last week with over 140 delegates from the Universities of Huddersfield, York, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Hull and Central Lancashire. With talks given by PhD students and postdoctoral researchers the day highlighted the cutting edge, frontier research being carried out in the field of inorganic chemistry across the region.
Speaking for the home team were third year PhD student Alessandro Sinopoli and first year student Adam McSloy. A number of prizes were awarded with Best Talk going to Lucy Milner (York, pictured) and poster prizes going to Alasdair Formanuik (Manchester), Jessica Milani (York, pictured) and Heba Abdelgawad (Leeds).
Speaking after the event, local organiser Dr Paul Elliott (pictured) said, “The Dalton meeting is a really important meeting in the regional chemistry calendar. It’s a fantastic opportunity for like minded scientists to come together and for students to talk about their research and to make new contacts and network.”
The School also played host to the recent Crawford Scientific/SiliCycle Inc. Undergraduate Research Symposium. The event similarly showcased regional talent in synthetic chemistry by undergraduate student presenting their final year project research with Huddersfield represented by Lee Brown, supervised by Dr Nathan Patmore.