Chemistry launches inaugural teachers PDP day

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:10:00 BST
The Department of Chemical Sciences has hosted its inaugural self enhancement PDP day for chemistry teachers. Sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Department of Chemical Sciences, the day consisted of a series of workshops designed to give ideas and illustrative tools to chemistry teachers, providing innovative methods to inspire the next generation of chemical scientists. Attended by 13 teachers from 11 regional schools and colleges, sessions were held on experiments to illustrate crystallisation and diffraction, how to build your own visible absorption spectrometer, nanotechnology and Bucky balls and superconductivity.
Organiser Pooja Panchmatia said, "the event was a fun day aimed at building networks with local schools and colleges. The teachers left on a high and all the staff were buzzing! Some have even tweeted about the activities on the day. It was a highly rewarding day for all the staff involved. Thank you'
Having been a great success in its first run Pooja and her colleagues are already planning next years event. The ultimate intention is then for this to be an annual corner stone part of the School's outreach activities. So look out for next years advert!