University’s transport degree pioneer steps down

Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:29:00 BST
Huddersfield man Colin Bamford receives the award emeritus professor on his retirement
The University of Huddersfield recognised one of its own at its recent awards ceremonies when its Professor of Transport and Logistics hung up his mortar board for the last time.
Huddersfield man Professor Colin Bamford (pictured) led the University’s Business Operations, Supply Chain and Transport Research Group and was Associate Dean of the Business School. The University honoured him with the award of Emeritus Professor.
The title of Emeritus Professor is conferred on a member of staff who has retired and who is deemed to have served the university with particular distinction.
Colin Bamford was educated at Holme Valley Grammar School and Huddersfield New College where he was captain of tennis and had leading roles in Shakespearean plays. After completing his A-levels, he graduated in Economics and Statistics at Leeds University.
His interest in transport started during his time at University when he worked part-time, mainly in vacations, as a trolley bus conductor. This was followed by a contract to work as a data analyst and public transport specialist on a Department of Transport study investigating the economic and social impact of the M62 motorway on West Yorkshire.
Colin then joined the recently formed Polytechnic of Huddersfield, now the University, in 1972 as an assistant lecturer in transport and tourism. He is particularly proud of co-ordinating the Polytechnic’s proposals for a course in Transport and Distribution, the first of its kind in the UK, one that was approved by the CNAA (Council for National Academic Awards) in the face of competition from 10 other institutions. Over the past 30 years, there have been over 1,200 graduates from courses in transport and logistics with around 600 from the programme’s delivery in Hong Kong.
Colin has authored or co-authored 11 textbooks on applied economics, including transport economics. His most recent book has been approved as the only official text for Cambridge International Examinations in Economics and has sold in 32 countries worldwide.
Colin has supervised 12 PhD and 2 MPhil research degrees and over the years has produced academic journal and conference papers as well as more general transport articles on a wide range of topics for newspapers and magazines. He is a regular commentator on national and local radio and television.
Colin is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, an honorary professor at the University of Győr in Hungary and a former president of the Economics and Business Education Association.