Chancellor’s prize winners 2014!

Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:07:00 BST
Congratulations are due to Adele Taylor, a Childhood Studies BA(Hons) final years student, who is one of the winners of the 2014 Chancellor’s Prizes, awarded for her excellent final award results. Adele received her award at a special event alongside the award ceremonies together with Childhood Studies classmates Claire Hamilton and Abigail Smith (picture below).
When asked how she felt about the award, Adele commented “I just wanted to say how chuffed I am to have been awarded this prize along with Claire and Abbie. This actually means more to me that the degree itself. Being a perfectionist to find out that I was one of 72 out of 5,000 graduates who achieved 80% or more has really put it in perspective and made it all worthwhile. Three years ago I set out to try and achieve a degree - conscious that I had not written an essay for 22 years!! But due to personal circumstances I didn’t have the opportunity earlier.
I just want to send my thanks and appreciation to Ceri Daniels, my Course Leader and the module tutors for helping me to achieve this. It has been really hard work and a roller coaster, but this makes it even more worthwhile. Amazing what we can do when we put our mind to something isn't it?!”