The Life of Breath Project

Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:59:00 GMT

The Life of Breath is a five year project funded by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award and lead jointly by Jane Macnaughton (Durham) and Havi Carel (Bristol). This project examines breath and breathlessness in literary and cultural history, philosophy and medical history. At the core of our project is ‘Breathing Space’, where collaborators, including clinicians and experts by experience, will meet regularly to learn from each others’ perspectives, examine a wide variety of ideas about breath, breathing and breathlessness, and discuss research outputs in an interdisciplinary context. Collaborators include: Dr David Swann, Innovative Design Lab, University of Huddersfield; Tim Cole, History of Medicine, Bristol; James Dodd, Respiratory Neuroscientist and Clinician, Bristol; Clair Henderson, patient involvement, British Lung Foundation; Alice Malpass, Anthropology, Bristol, Anne Millar, Respiratory Physician, Bristol; Corinne Saunders, English Studies, Durham; Andrew Russell, Anthropology, Durham; Ronit Yeoli-Tlalim, History of Medicine, Goldsmiths; Gareth Williams, Clinical Medicine and History of Medicine, Bristol; Veronika Williams, Primary Care Research, Oxford and Mary Robson, the research group facilitator.

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