‘sexgen Northern Network’ launched

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 14:32:00 GMT

'sexgen' is a collaborative interdisciplinary network bringing together gender and sexuality based research centres around the North of England.

sexgen aims to bring academic research, writing and thinking on gender and sexuality into conversation with the ideas, cultural expressions and knowledges of community groups, cultural sites and activist organisations.

Series organising contacts are CRISS Associate Director, Dr Surya Monro and Dr Sally Hines, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Leeds. The other Universities belonging to the Network are Durham, Lancaster, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York.

In 2014-2015 sexgen will hold a series of free seminars, details of which will be forthcoming and listed on the Institute's Events page. Seminars will be themed to reflect current and emerging themes within gender and sexuality studies.

The first seminar will be held on 28 February 2014, 2.00pm-4.00pm. at the Centre for Research in Social Sciences, University of Huddersfield: 'Compulsory Sexualities'.

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