Skills for Governance event hosted by FEGReG

Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:22:00 BST

‌Governors from different educational organisations gathered in the Business School on 7 June 2011 to hear how the governing body can have an impact upon learner performance. Hosted by the Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group (FEGReG), the event was led by newly appointed Visiting Research Fellow, Dr Ron Hill, and co-facilitated by Principal Lecturer, Julie Drake.

After a networking session, the Dean of the School and Director of FEGReG, Professor Chris Cowton, gave a welcome address. Governors then worked together to develop a greater understanding of governance and skills for developing and improving governing body performance. Participants welcomed the opportunity to share governance experiences across sectors – universities, secondary schools, primary schools and academies.A vibrant and highly rated evening ensued described as relevant, valuable and stimulating with “excellent concise speakers” who focussed on learning and the learner for good governance, enabling discussion with other governors from different backgrounds. Feedback from participants indicated a demand for further such events, and more are being planned for 2011/12.

For further information about events, courses and research opportunities in governance contact:
Laura Forester-Green, Project Assistant
Tel: 01484 472026

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