Results Drop-In Sessions

Tue, 20 Jun 2017 01:30:00 BST

Exam Drop In Inpage Results Drop-In sessions are running to support anyone who is disappointed with, or don't understand their assessment results. Visit iPoint (Level 4, Student Central) on 20 June ( 10am to 3pm) and 21 June to 4 July (10am to 3pm).

You're welcome to come along, to talk about your results and hopefully walk away feeling clear about your next steps. Expect to:

Get advice. It’s often good to talk to someone new, to simply share how you are feeling and not feel judged. Advisers will be on hand to help you understand your results and move things forward.

Understand the support available. There can be lots of reasons why you’ve not performed as well as expected, from personal issues through to struggling under the pressure of assessments. Facing some of these issues head on, could really make a difference to your future – particularly if you need to resit. Help us to help you, by speaking to our advisers.

Understand the appeal process. You must, wherever possible, appeal within 10 working days of getting your results. If this deadline is missed, your appeal may not be considered. The criteria for appealing will be explained to you, so that you feel confident about how to do this if it’s appropriate.

It would be really useful if you’d bring along a copy of your results, ready to discuss with the team. Please note that Results Surgery Advisers will not be offering academic feedback. If you require academic feedback, please contact your School’s Administrative Office so that you can be directed to an appropriate member of staff.

If you have any questions about the Results Drop-In sessions please get in touch with iPoint. 

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