Beyond gender binaries

Beyond Gender Binaries

Tue, 10 May 2016 12:57:00 BST

Professor Surya Monro delivered an invited talk titled ‘Beyond Gender Binaries: Issues of liminality, categories, and equalities’ for the sexgen seminar ‘Trans Studies: Reflections and advances’ at the University of Leeds, 23 March 2016. Transgender studies and questions of whether - and how - we move beyond rigid gender and sex binaries are highly topical at present, with a flowering of public interest in these matters. There were over 80 attendees at this seminar, which allowed established and emerging scholars to present their research to a lively and engaged audience. Professor Monro discussed some key issues for the field; these included the way that sex/gender categories are socially constructed, intersectionality, and citizenship. She drew on her early work, in particular her book Gender Politics: Citizenship, Activism, and Sexual Diversity (Pluto Press 2005).

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